lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

Writing our own scripts! Our final goal!

We have started to write. What we feel, talk about, do, dream. Not only these things but also about things we are concerned about. Let´s get into deepest waters and grow further understanding ourselves. Von voyage! (I´m here beside you!)

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Our director's comment!

I read very good comments in the blog. Congratulations and go on...!!!
I couldn´t write this comment on the page.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

This is the last part of the movie Amadeus that we saw at school...

Well, based on the movie,I would like you to answer the following:
1) How can people hurt each other in ways that are not seen by the rest?
2) How can a person protect itself of harming people?
3) How can families help someone who is harassed? (if you don´t know the meaning look for it in the dictionary)

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

In this two pictures we can see the area where the accident took place. The first photograph shows a representation of how the survivals tried to take the attention of the planes and helicopters which were making their air rutine rute., and in the second one we can apreciate the big and terrifying hole where the plane fell down

Alive is the story of a group of rugbyers, who were travelling from Uruguay to Chile in a militar flight, when a strong wind storm make them lost the control of the plane and it fell down. Since the accident happened they have to survive in the snow, without resourses like water, food, warm clothes, and all the vital things that a person needs to live. other thing they didn`t have was how to comunicate with the people who were searching them, they hadn`t got mobile phones or anything like that, so that they had to leave the plane as quick as possible they could to ask for help.

They had to organize themselves in order to survive as long as they can. Luckily they have done a great and fast job and they get alive.

Valen (Valentina nuñez) Agos (Agostina Paviolo) Tere (Teresita Matilla)