martes, 24 de mayo de 2011


7 comentarios:


    Nowadays people are MORE CONSCIOUS about the damage they had done during their existence, from the very beginning of humanity. First of all we have to realize that in order to survive, nature had given us several resources, of which useful lives depend on how we take advantage of them.
    But this is not enough. Something must be done right now. Everybody knows about these problems, and if it is true that we had realized about them, start doing things. Stop theorizing. We must act, put this into practice. Hey you! The Earth is disappearing, do something.

    MEMBERS: Agostina Paviolo, Federico Roldán, Juan Cruz López Ponce, Valentina Gorriz and Julieta Méndez

  2. The day that no one died.

    Nowadays people is doing nothing to look after the planet. The universe is in danger and we have to start thinking that if we don´t take care of it, this is going to change things in such a way that with no return.
    The humanity is not aware and that´s the worst mistake of all the centuries.
    We have to compromise ourselves at least in little things. This little things make the difference, but sometimes we don´t realize those kind of things.
    The universe in not mine or yours, the universe is of all.

  3. Honoring Life
    Last term we got aware about the problems that we are having nowadays with ecology. We learnt that we have to respect each other and the natural habitat.
    Biodiversity is the full-scale of life and we have to take care of it, because our life is in its hands.
    Global warming is affecting many parts of the world, and its a concequence of human actions also with the natural cicle of the planet.
    The temperature will increase, and this will hurt many people, animals, and plants. Many will not be able to take the change, so they will probably die.
    In the near future, our lives will change completely, we know that we can`t change this now because it is very difficult, but we can try to remediate this situation in order to let our children the possibility to live in a better world. It isn`t easy, but if everybody cooperates, we are sure that we are going to make a new world, a different one.

    Integrantes: Clara Gòmez, Valentina Nùñez, Nicole Pedersen

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    In this term we have learnt lots of things about ecology that helped us to wake up and look all the things that are happening nowadays.
    We could listen to different projects that each group presented and we took conclusions about our environment.
    There are many factors that affect our planet and we don´t have notion of how things can be used in a destructive way. For example: a common thing such a car ( something that is very common in our society) we could understand, watching one of the projects, that we can look after our planet in an easy and beneficial way by using solar panels instead of gasoline and induce them to be light colored and dark colors as black that attracts the sun.
    On the other hand, many people are very careless with the issue of water and plastic bags. We could learn to take care or not to waste the water or to keep the taps closed without fractures. The plastic bags are being slow to decompose and it`s one of the reasons that there is a lot of contamination in our planet so, we should use recycle bags!
    The use of the cell phones takes another usual destruction for the environment, as it is increasing the number of people who have one and this product destroys our planet.
    Finally we believe that politics ignore this issue to evade the responsibility in trying to do something, because it is easier to deny the situation, admit it and try to fight it.
    • Gatusso Martina
    • Castillo Catherine
    • Alvares Emilio
    • Canciani Sofía

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  7. Awareness.
    Home made ​​me aware of the early earth, water cycles and the importance of the relationship of living beings with the elementsof nature.
    People are destroying the land that was achieved four million years ago. The resources are being depleted and we have noconsideration.
    This movie reflects this error when we started and as we do today: to agriculture, oil, etc,.
    The film showed me the impact, pictures, of how we are destroying our home. The powerful countries make a greater degree of contamination and have no consideration for future generations.
    In conlusion, this film makes myself get to known how MEN recieved what the world offers and exploits it badly.

    Elías Pérez.
