domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

This is the last part of the movie Amadeus that we saw at school...

Well, based on the movie,I would like you to answer the following:
1) How can people hurt each other in ways that are not seen by the rest?
2) How can a person protect itself of harming people?
3) How can families help someone who is harassed? (if you don´t know the meaning look for it in the dictionary)

13 comentarios:

  1. 1) Salieri hurts Mozart psychologically by wearing a mask. He isn’t a person to trust. He lied by hiding his true face and failed to show who he really was. Mozart was poor and worked hard, drank too much alcohol to finish his work, and this started to weaken his health and his family bonds.
    “Not everything that glitters is gold”

    2) Mozart was trying to protect himself by drinking alcohol and being (a) distant to his family. But from our point of view this should not be so, he should go back with his father, as soon as possible.

    Family teaches the most important values, they sustain for lifetime in society and throughout the person’s life.

    3) Families can help someone with that kind of problem by discussing them, and by giving generous advises too. If someone harasses you by telling that you that you have only awful things and do nothing well, remember that your family highlights are all the optimistic aspects you have.

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  3. 1-People can hurt each other in different ways. Also, in ways that cannot be seen by the rest. For example, in the movie Amadeus, Mozart was hurt by Salieri, because he reincarnated the image of Amadeus' dead father. Salieri wasted his time with work, and pressed him to do a lot too. That kind of things worsened his illness, so he died.
    2- You can protect yourself being a great person, with a particular personality, who don´t care about harming people. However, in the movie, Amadeus knew that most people were against his personality, because he was different from all the musicians, and people envied him.
    So, you can protect yourself being conscious about your cons, and try to use the positive aspects of your personality.
    3- We think that families can help someone with those kinds of problems by talking to them, and giving them advises too. If someone harassed you telling that you have only bad things and do nothing well, and your family highlights are all the positive aspects you have, you could think you really have something good to give to others, that you aren't only the "bullshit" that this person makes you feel or believe.

    Francina Martin, Julieta Mendez, Agostina Paviolo, Valentina Gorriz.

  4. 1) A person can hurt someone else in ways that no one can see, for example when the person that is affected is innocent and so, he or she, doesn't have the ability to realize that someone is not to trust.

    2) A person can protect itself by paying attention, not trusting other people when you see they do odd things to you.

    3)Families can help someone who is harassed, by talking and giving advice and protecting them, whenever the person who is hurt follow these advises and takes care his or her relationships.

    Nicole Pedersen

  5. 1) One person can hurt (to) other in different ways; for example psychologically: when Salieri went to Mozart’s house he disguised himself like his dead father to make him feel sad.
    2) One person can protect itself of harming people like this: observing the other person, watching how this person is, his actions, personality. Finding who his friends are and how he hides his feelings.
    3) The families can help someone who is harassed by holding up, giving care and not leaving at the time the person in need.


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  7. Thanks dear students.
    I believe that sometimes going back to your parents when you are grown ups its a little bit of an easy way to solve problems.
    I would rather say that traying to grow and to survive by yourselves is the best way to LIVE.

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    1) One person can hurt each other in ways that are not seen by the rest for example by lying people or being a hypocrite. In the book we read, the president hurts people promising poor people things that they need to only to get votes but in the end, they don´t comply.
    People, who are insecure, use a "mask" showing the best things that other people want to see, to convince them or to manipulate. They propose ideas to change the world or to help people and then do the opposite.
    In Amadeus movie, one example of this type of person is who Salieri is. He went to Mozart´s house with the mask of his dead father and offered him a complicated job. Then, that job ended killing him.

    2) A person can protect itself of harming people, by being strong, not to hear what other people say. Not to trust in other people when you realize they do odd things. Respect yourself!

    3) Families can help someone who is harassed by supporting them and advise them about what type of people they should trust. They can help poor people with charity.
    Teach them that the most important thing is to be happy and they don´t have to worry about what other people think.

    Catherine Castillo
    Matías Vicentin
    Santiago Añez
    Sofía Canciani

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  12. 1) One person can hurt each other in ways that are not seen by the rest, people can be both ways battered psychologically and emotionally.

    2) A person can protect itself of harming people avoiding them and no trusting them.

    3) Families can help someone who is harresed, avoiding the person that hurts them, giving support to them and advising.

