martes, 5 de abril de 2011

127 hours. Never leave home without telling someone!

2 comentarios:

  1. It was great, anyone would think that a movie based on a true story, about a person trapped for 127 hours under a stone and ultimately cuts his hand would probably be the most boring and uninspired the world, but it was not, no surprise that Danny Boyle has made a good movie, or that James Franco is an excellent actor, but we were surprised at how compelling it was the movie and how you keep the attention all this time, even knowing what will happen in the end, that makes a great movie...
    we have some links if you are interested about this film.

    milagros vicentin, catherine castillo,martina gatusso,agostina paviolo

  2. The story of "127 hours" is the story of human survival in critical conditions, where the basic functions of life suddenly take centre stage: drink, eat, sleep and breathe.
    Ralston spends much of his confinement dominated by the thirst and the severe dehydration.
    Despite having made an excursion alone without communicating anyone about his trip, Aron survives with a combination of knowledge about emergency situations, and the courage to face that horrible experience.

    EXTRA INFORMATION (Real story)

    At the end of the story, the authorities went back to crack to remove Aron´s arm. Thirteen men were needed to move the rock and retire it.


    Julieta and Francina
